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FrameMaker and EndNote 5

EndNote is a widely used application to handle bibliographic data. It can be used in conjunction with FrameMaker, but some work is involved. With MS Word EndNote is 'tightly integrated' by special menu items and macros. For FrameMaker the user must handle the data interchange via MIF file.

If you are working with EndNote versions 8 … X (10), please consult this page.

FrameMaker and EndNote
Generate the bibliography
   Adding citations
Operating he utility fm2endnote5
   What the utility fm2endnote5 does

Sample input and output
Get the utility

[To top/bottom of page] FrameMaker and EndNote

Hence You need a utility to make the necessary changes to the MIF file: fm2endnote5.

[To top/bottom of page] Generating the bibliography

The process needs an additonals tep (3) for correct handling of umlauts and other characters in 'upper ASCII' in the temporary citations:

  1. Make a copy of all *.fm files including the *.book in a separate directory. You use these to insert additonal citations (and don't want to just add them – that is, you want to keep their numbering in sequence).
    Be aware that you can not address these files in the book as long as they are not (back) in the originally named directory. In particular, any crossreference to another file is broken (because a corss reference includes the path to the target file).
  2. In the original directory save all *.fm files as *.mif
  3. Run the utility fm2endnote5 with each MIF file (see later). You get new files with a name xyz_mod.mif in the same directory
  4. With EndNote 5 process these modified MIF files (Paper > Scan Paper > Scan Paper for the first file , … Scan Next for all succeeding files)
  5. In the last file the bibliography will be placed after a paragraph with style Bibliography.
  6. If everything went smooth, delete the original MIF files (those without the appendix _mod)
  7. Rename the modified MIF files to their original name (remove the _mod appendix).
  8. Open all *.mif files and save them as *.fm files. They are now available in the book file again and contain the resolved citations and the last file contains the bibliography.

[To top/bottom of page] Adding citations

You have two options to add new citations (and bibliography) to the existing ones:

[To top/bottom of page] Operating the utility fm2endnote5

The utility needs to be started for each MIF file individually.

To navigate to the desired file:

Click on the Browse button to get an ordinary Windows Open dialogue.

Navigate to the desired file and click Open

Click Continue to process the file with the utility

Progress feedback

The utility provides feedback at every 1000th input line.

Process completion

A completion message displays the name of the generated file. A _mod suffix is appended to name of the input file. The total number of processed input lines is displayed also.

[To top/bottom of page] What the utility fm2endnote5 does

The utility is written in WinBatch, a scripting language. The following modifications are applied to the MIF file by the utility:

[To top/bottom of page] Sample in- and output

The PDF fm2endnote5 (200 kB) provides some background about this utility. MIF example input and output shows the manipulations done.

[To top/bottom of page] Get the utility

The utility fm2endnote.exe is provided 'as is' with no obligation whatsoever of the author.

You must have installed Internet Explorer (> 4), at least the components which are needed to display the new Windows HTML help files.

Documentation: endnote5.pdf. Program files: fm2endnote5.zip.

Expand the ZIP file to any directory of your liking, but keep all the files in the same directory.

Note: All software from D+DD is Donationware - if you find it helpful for your work, think about supporting also my work.


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