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Editing FrameMaker code

See also Handling FrameMaker dictionaries or FrameMaker wörterbücher bearbeiten

FrameMaker internally uses a coding scheme based on the Mac Roman coding. For example, the German umlaut Ü is coded \x86. You might have come accross this coding when entering special characters into dialogs, for example, to define a special bullet.

While it is tolerable to enter a few characters by consulting the code table (see this PDF, 350 KB ), entering more text with this method is at least squirrel work. In German we have six umlauts and the sharp s to be coded with this method – but French text needs many more of these codes.

You may need to edit FrameMaker code …

Sample texts

Part of a user dictionary Part of a MIF file Part of a config file

FrameMaker coding

  <OKWord `amen\x8e '>
  <OKWord `\x8e gale-ment'>
  <OKWord `r\x8e -f\x8e -rence'>
  <OKWord `para-m\x8f tres'>
  <OKWord `ini-tiali-sation'>
> # end of Dictionary
<Label Gesch\x9ftzer Trennstrich &r>
<Label Wahlweise Trennstelle &s (Strg+Minus)>
<Label Trennung unterdr\x9fcken &t>

Windows coding

  <OKWord `amené '>
  <OKWord `é gale-ment'>
  <OKWord `ré-fé -rence'>
  <OKWord `para-mè tres'>
  <OKWord `ini-tiali-sation'> 
> # end of Dictionary
<Label Geschützer Trennstrich &r>
<Label Wahlweise Trennstelle &s (Strg+Minus)>
<Label Trennung unterdrücken &t>

In the MIF files watch the additonal spaces after the FM codes: r\x8e f\x8e rence is the word référence. These spaces must be kept during editing the text.

Utility fm2win2fm

This utility helps you in these tasks. It takes the selected text (for example in your editor, such as NotePad) and converts it to the desired code. In Windows the codepage 1251 (Western) is considered – not Unicode!

Some FM or Windows characters can not be considered in the translation :

There are applications in which the utility can not be used to modify the text: e.g. Excel, DreamWeaver. However, at least in the following (text oriented) applications selected text can be transformed: FrameMaker, TextPad, NotePad, Word, Powerpoint.

Installing the utility fm2win2fm

UnZip the file fm2win2fm.zip (200 KB) to a directory of your liking. You get the executable file and the icon file.


Fm2win2fm establishes two hotkeys and an icon in the system tray.

Program icon To convert from the FM coding to Windows coding, select the text to be converted and press ALT+CTRL+w
To convert from the Windows coding to FM coding, select the text to be converted and press ALT+CTRL+f
To exit the utility and dismiss the hotkeys, right-click on the icon and select Exit from the menu


Fm2win2fm is provided by the author and contributor "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the authors or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.



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 URL:  Created: 2006-02-03  Updated:
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