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30 years of expert dialogue with IBM
– a history of SHARE Europe (SEAS)

This paper was written in March 1992 by Harry Hurst (at that time historian and archivist of SHARE Europe) and published as a brochure. The list of meeting places and presidents are amended by the editor.

It is appropriate occasionally for an organisation to look back at the past, to recollect the original purposes for its formation, to note fundamental changes, and to make whatever adjustments felt to be necessary. One may then sometimes find that the roots have been lost or that the original purposes have been served!

The year 1991, being the 30th Anniversary of SHARE Europe (SEAS), provided such an occasion, and I was happy to respond to the President's invitation to put on record this history, which has been gathered from existing records, or from my personal recollection over the last 25 years.

The beginnings

Some 40 years ago, 'Computing' was an activity little known to the world outside research laboratories and mathematics institutes. Even the operation of an electronic calculator was a task for the specialist. Apart from knowing what result was required, he had to be something of a numerical analyst, a technician and also adept at many forms of operating techniques. In the main the manufacturers of such devices supplied the hardware components. The task of assembly, wiring and debugging being left to the User.

With the beginning of the computing explosion in the 50's, wires and layers and electro mechanical devices were quickly by vacuum tubes, transistors, and stored programming concepts. The way was open for the much greater use of computing in the general supported / superseded commercial and manufacturing world outside the scientific laboratories.

User input - an early requirement

What was lacking was the need to know just how to get the best out of these facilities - indeed, how to use them at all - for there were very few 'prewritten computer programs' provided by the manufacturer. It was not, therefore, surprising, that IBM, already a leader in the emerging computer industry, were in the forefront of encouraging its Users in collaborative exercises in the determination of requirements and the search of both standardisation and optimum solutions.

[Navigate on this page] Birth of SHARE

In 1955, with the advent of the 704, IBM held a seminar for potential users of the machines. Amongst those represented were three particularly large companies, with essentially commercial interests, who had already enjoyed a successful collaboration on a previous computing project. They encouraged others planning to use the 704, to come together, and discuss programming and other requirements for the better utilisation of the 704. The three companies were Rand Corporation, Lockheed and North American Aviation. The significant aspect of this was that potential business rivals were prepared to openly discuss their computing ideas, and also to accept the ideas of others.

From this beginning, SHARE was born!

The original definition of SHARE membership is interesting: 'A member of SHARE is an installation which has on hand, or on order, at least one 704 (or is actively campaigning for the placing of an order in the near future with noticeable positive effect to the extent that programming effort is being devoted to methods.)'

The 'installation' was defined as one or more 704's under the same administrative head, who is empowered to choose the machine methods to be used.

Development within Europe

The earliest record of an European involvement in SHARE was at the third meeting in Nov. '55 when a representative from IBM (London) was cited as a non-participating member. It is more than likely, however, that some European companies were represented at the original IBM seminar.

At this third meeting it was agreed that interested non-members be invited to attend and enter discussion on a non-voting basis. A non-members' distribution list was also agreed.

During the next 5 years many European installations used this latter concession, whilst several also joined as full members. Joint meetings of these SHARE members were held in Europe, both to discuss reports from SHARE and to prepare papers and responses for future SHARE meetings.

This collaboration grew, and the SHARE machine range was extended. In 1961, the European members of SHARE became a quasi-official European Chapter of SHARE.

Unfortunately, there are little, if any, records about the independent activity of this phase, apart from the fact that two meetings were held yearly, at different European venues.

[Navigate on this page] Share European Association (SEAS)

With the announcement of System 360 (1964), participation in SHARE by European members grew considerably, and the question of an Interim SHARE meeting in Europe was actively considered. Events in 66/67 worked against this possibility. First, there was the rapidly growing number of American installations who were joining SHARE, making the influence of the European contingent, appearing to be less and less pertinent. Second, was the consideration then being given to a merger between SHARE and GUIDE (USA). Third, was the economic depression which was beginning to drift over Europe making travel, etc., costs a not inconsiderable item in the decision - particularly to many of the smaller installations - as to whether or not to retain membership of SHARE.

Accordingly, in 1966, the by-laws of the European group were changed to admit non-members of SHARE, but retaining the basic machine-based qualification, the intention being to maintain as close a contact with SHARE as was possible. The name was formalised as SHARE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION (SEAS) and was incorporated as a non-profit making Association, under the laws of The Netherlands. The Headquarters were at the University of Nijmegen. Following requests from other installations the 'catchment area' was extended to include Middle East and Africa.

The aims of the Association were stated as 'to provide its members with access to a fund of information and experience which can help them improve the working of their computer installation from the point of view of reliability, cost effectiveness, efficiency and programmer productivity; to promote the exchange of information and experience amongst its members; and to liaise with IBM on matters of mutual interest.'

The change in membership qualification (to admit non-SHARE members) led to an almost immediate increase of interest and both membership and meeting attendances increased.

(It is interesting to note here that in the current by-laws (1990) the purpose of the Association is given as 'to contribute to and to promote the advancement of computing and data processing' by:

Certainly, a broadening of the horizon, arising from experience and progress, but with very little fundamental change.

[Navigate on this page] SEAS (SHARE European Association) - and SHARE Europe (SEAS)

In 1980, on the recommendation of publicity consultants, the name was varied to SEAS (SHARE European Association), and to be referred to by the shorter acronym of SEAS. However, this was again modified in 1989, when the membership approved a further name change to SHARE Europe (SEAS), and to be known generally as SHARE Europe.

This latter change was part of a wholesale marketing plan. A prime requirement being to increase the pool of people taking active part in SHARE Europe as Project Officers and to accomplish this an approx. 15% to 20% annual increase in membership at least was felt to be desirable. See the image brochure issued to spread the new name.

Structure and organisation

Apart from growth, expansion of interests, increased professionalism and the introduction of additional resources, the core structure of the organisation, like its objectives, has changed very little. The policies of SHARE Europe are formulated by its Executive Board consisting of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Members, all of whom are elected for a two-year term. The Immediate Past President is also a full member of the Board, whilst the President has the right to nominate suitable persons as officers appointed to accept responsibility for certain functions as the need arises.

However, if the core structure has seen little change, there is a world of change in its broader infrastructure. There has been a continuing process of regular revision and updating to meet not only the many and rapid developments in Information Technology, but the increasing demand and sophistication of the Members. To mention but a few of these:


Whilst SHARE Europe remains non-profit making, its growth, both in activity and membership, calls for a considerable financial outlay. In the previous paragraph the increased facilities provided for members during recent years, and for the better prosecution of the work necessary to meet the Association's objectives, should be patently obvious. Add to this the need to provide a high standard of conference and working facilities for the general meetings, and the requirement for adequate financing is quite clear. During the first few years of the Association's existence, corporate finance hardly entered into the equation. Meeting requirements were generally met through the generosity of host installations. Presentations, as now, came from the membership and IBM, who have always been generous in the provision of speakers to talk on matters of interest to the members. Where appropriate, specialist speakers, were invited. This latter more so during recent years as the Association has grown in both influence and experience.

Notwithstanding, in these earlier years the Association did have the foresight to set both a conference fee and a membership fee, even though initially, the membership fee was set at zero! Subsequent increases have been prudent and have been helped by the wise provision of reserve capital investment. At the outset, the two main objectives for this capital provision was as an insurance to cover any financial outlay made in respect of the unexpected cancellation of a conference (provision for two such events being the aim), and to accumulate funds in anticipation of the provision of professional headquarters.

For several years, prior to 1981, general secretarial and administrative facilities were most economically provided through the Science Faculty of the University of Nijmegen. In a more formal arrangement was reached under which the faculty provided total HQ functions, with Dr. Christian Aarts, a Past President of the Association, acting as Administrative Director to the Executive Board.

In 1986, the decision was taken to seek new perspectives for Headquarters Services, and, following an open tender, it was decided to move HQ to another organisation in Geneva, Switzerland.

The following is a comparison between the financial figures for 1977 and 1989 (Accounting in 1977 was in European Units of Account (EUA), and has been translated to the then prevailing rate to Dfl. Current financial accounting is in Sfr, and the conversion (for comparison) is at an estimated market rate Sfr = Dfl x 1.32:



1977 Annual expenditure (EUA 80,960) 293,075
1989   (Sfr 1,310,000) 1,728,545
1977 Total Assets (EUA 142,250) 1,514,945
1989   (SFr 1,858,000) 2,451,630

Conferences and meetings

In the years prior to 1966, the organisation functioned around two meetings yearly, mainly to table information from the SHARE meetings, and to relate it to the European situation. This was reduced to one meeting between 1968 - 1970.

During the first decade, the Association was dominated by scientific and research establishments. The general spread in computer usage, however, began to redress this imbalance, and with the growth of commercial and industry-based members, a second and then a third meeting became the norm.

One of these, known as the Spring Technical Meeting, was designed to fill the gap felt by the loss of education facilities which had normally been provided with IBM software products prior to 'unbundling' in 1969/70. Another was known as the 'Winter Projects Meeting,' a forum specifically designed to bring together all the members of the various Projects.

From 1982, the pattern has been two general conferences yearly - one in Spring, one in Autumn. These being supplemented by interim meetings for the Executive Board, the Advisory Council and the Projects. All concerned over the years have striven hard to make the content of the conferences of real technical value and of current interest, whilst at the same time endeavouring to impart a little of the industry's future directions.

Whilst the conferences are general in nature, a main theme is chosen as a backdrop, against which a practical training Workshop is run. Some current subjects have been: The Corporate Network, Open Systems, CASE and Application Development in Practice, Managing Communications in the Global Marketplace, Managing Your DP Assets. Intermixed in the programme are educational sessions on personal development, and sessions devoted to the traditional SHARE Europe project work.

The conferences themselves, both in their preparation and implementation, are also used as an aspect of training for the officers concerned.

Projects and Task Forces

The mainspring of the technical activities of the organisation is, and always has been, within its Projects and Task Forces. It is here that the problems with a specific product, or the requirement for new, or extensions to existing, products, are dealt with in depth by individuals with the relevant interest and experience. Such products are supported by an IBM liaison representative with particular knowledge of the subject.

It is from these products that 'requirements,' reflecting the conclusions of the Project, are referred to IBM for consideration and action.

Significant in recent years is, not only the growing number of Projects to meet the demands of the spread of Information Technology, but the increasing quality of the technical research that is now possible.

A new and vital contribution to this work was the introduction in 1989 of Special Technical Working Groups. These Groups consist of selected interested specialists from SHARE Europe and IBM who meet in a confidential environment.

In the main there are two aspects of these groups:

  1. To cooperate in future planning (usually initiated by IBM, with the results being taken back to the relevant development laboratory); and
  2. research into major deficiencies in IBM products which are noted and initiated by SHARE Europe, ending in the presentation to IBM management of a White Paper on the problem.

Some major activities

Side by side with the growth of the Association, a host of important decisions and activities have occurred, all of which have made their contribution to the achievements of the objectives. Objectives which, in the main, have been very constant: facilities for the exchange of information and know-how; to influence IBM's technical and marketing functions; to contribute to the advances in Information Technology. Amongst these are:

All of the above have had an impact on the subjects under examination. The following examples illustrate some obvious positive results:

The Educational Discount Issue: The latest announcement on such products, reflect quite acceptable discounts;

The High Performance Processing Project: This work, which started in 1982, was followed in 1986 with the announcement of the 3090 Vector facility addressing most of the stated requirements;

National Language Architecture: Earl Wheeler, IBM Senior Vice President and General Manager, Programming Systems, responding to the National Language Architecture Paper (1990), referred to IBM's intention to act on the requirements outlined in the paper. This followed the positive reaction to the initial paper on the National Character Requirements.

Top Concerns and liaison with IBM Europe top management

Members of the Executive Board have had regular discussions with the President IBM Europe and his staff, since 1972. At these sessions items of special interest were tabled for discussion. During recent years, this activity has been considerably refined.

A list of problems which are considered urgent and pressing to most members, or are of a more general and strategic nature, are researched, and position papers and presentation tactics prepared. This process can take many months. Accepted items from this list are noted as 'Top Concerns.'

These 'Top Concerns' then form a presentation by members of the Board to the IBM management group. This process is one of the main methods by which interaction to influence IBM product decisions is possible, and has proven to be an efficient way of alerting IBM to serious problems which customers have with their products.

Note from Annual Report 1986:
On September 19th SEAS presented a set of 11 top concerns to C. Michael Armstrong, President of IBM Europe:

  1. Lack of strategic planning information
  2. The SEAS requirements process
  3. Software qualaity and reliability
  4. IBM support of internation standards
  5. The national charcter and language problems
  6. The lack of a unified file system in VM and MVS
  7. The need for continuous operation
  8. Object-code-only (OCO) concerns
  9. The impact of Sytem Application Architecture (SAA)
  10. Inadequatae accunting an resource mangement facilities
  11. Lack of IBM software support for some IBM hardware devices.

2017 we users of IT still have problems of this sort - with any of the large software or hardware vendors.

Interaction with other user groups

From its beginning, SHARE Europe (SEAS) had as a prime consideration close contact with SHARE. One aim was that Projects with the same or similar objectives should exchange ideas with a view to joint requirements being submitted to IBM. Another was Executive Board representation at each other's meetings.

Little progress was possible on the first aim, until 1989, when the Joint Requirements Data Base was agreed.

Visits from SHARE's Bob Jones (Board Member) 1971, and Shirley Prutch (President) 1972, established a pattern of such exchange visits. These contacts have not only continued, but have been extended to include officers from other IBM User Groups.

International User Group Council

These exchange visits, led to a regular meeting of User Groups' presidents, and was subsequently followed by the establishment of an International User Group Council (IUGC).

Inaugurated in 1986, with SHARE Inc. (SHARE having become Incorporated), GUIDE International, G.U.I.D.E. Europe, Australasian SHARE/GUIDE and SHARE Europe as initial members, the Council which is open to IBM User Groups who follow the SHARE/GUIDE model, has now been joined by Guide Latin/America, Japan SHARE/GUIDE (87) and COMMON (88).

The Council, which meets twice a year, at one of the Groups' regular meetings, has as an objective the improvement of the effectiveness of its individual Groups to assist them in achieving their goals. An executive from IBM's international corporate staff serves as liaison to the Council.

IUGC White Paper

An initial practical aspect of IUGC activities has been the publication in June '90 - and submission to IBM - of a jointly researched White Paper on Application Development. A second similar effort on management issues raised by the recent AD/Cycle announcements, was commenced in Sept last, in which SHARE Europe will again participate.

The requirements process

This is a process of validating and assessing the technical problems (and suggesting solutions) which Members may have with IBM Products. Also, the preparation of business cases for added facilities. The process has been, and remains, the lynchpin of the Association's activities. Largely technical, it is the responsibility of the Projects and requires a great deal of work from a lot of people.

From a few such requirements arising during each meeting, the number is now many hundreds, and with the means of tele-conferencing, preparation, discussion and submission can be an ongoing process.

In 1989, IBM arranged for its centralised User Requirements Data Base to be available to their teleconferences. This provides easier access and management and avoids duplication.

Publicity and documentation

In a previous remark I commented on the absence of documentation in the formative years. This has not only been remedied, but continues to be constantly improved. Side by side with this improvement has been increasing efforts to publicise the work of Association both to the Membership generally and to the computing public at large.


The first annual report was published in 1978, although since 1974 regular Newsletters to members had been issued. The Newsletters, issued quarterly, are open to contributions from all concerned. In 1982, a President's Report, covering his two years' of office was instituted.

The issue of Proceedings has been a regular feature since 1967, and in 1989 was augmented by an abbreviated conference report. Dealing mainly with the morning sessions, the report is compiled by a small team of Writers, and is aimed to be with the delegates within two weeks following the end of the conference.


From 1981, there has been a regular issue of 'Press Releases'. These have covered notice of, and some of the major items arising from, the two main meetings and special reports of other items of interest. Some of these are translated into their national language by Regional Correspondents chosen from the membership.

Press attendance at meetings was experimented with, and SHARE Europe was widely publicised, but following some unfortunate 'misreporting' this was discontinued in 1986.

In 1986, the Association took part in the computer exhibition in Paris ('Ordinateurs, 86'), and this has been followed by participation in the IBM UK exhibitions in 1988 - '90 and '91.

Language - and the problem of being international

One of the problems faced by SHARE Europe has been the question of the language in which the Association's affairs should be conducted.

In the first place, English was chosen, probably not so much as being the most-desired language amongst its original members, but for compatibility with SHARE in the USA.

As membership grew, and was made available to non-SHARE members, frequent consideration was given to this problem, which was an obvious bar to wider recruitment. Multilingual translation - English, French, Dutch and German - was tried at the anniversary meeting in Copenhagen in 1967. This was unsuccessful on two counts: it was expensive; it still only accommodated a small proportion of the languages of the delegates attending. (There were complaints that there was no translation into Gaelic!!).

Attempts to minimise this problem are still under discussion, and the introduction of more and frequent translated documents in some of the Association's publications is one of the recent innovations in this area. All in all, however, the single language approach does call for more clarity of expression from the speakers and the community generally.

Relations with IBM

There have been many differences of opinion between SHARE Europe and IBM, mainly technical, and in respect of performance and expectations from IBM's products and services. I have little doubt that this will continue; that for as long as its Members' aspirations remain unsatisfied, SHARE Europe will remain as a catalyst to express this dissatisfaction to IBM, and to suggest and press for appropriate solutions.

Nevertheless, relations with IBM have been dominated throughout by an attitude of cooperation, not confrontation, and the depth of this cooperation is an increasing factor. This extends from professional support to the various Projects, to the response from higher levels of IBM management on planning and other material issues.

The Association is well aware that it is but one voice in asking for the ultimate in satisfaction, but tries to ensure that it is an effective voice.

A political interlude

During 1983/84, the incidence of the protracted case involving the European Economic Community and IBM brought SHARE Europe, most unusually, into the realms of 'politics'. EEC were objecting to some of IBM's business practices which they (EEC) believed restricted program compatible manufacturers' (PCM's) ability to compete in the Common Market for large computers. It was partly a question of time-lag between 'product announcements' and their general delivery.

The EEC Commission wanted this delay to be drastically reduced, and a concern of SHARE Europe was that the proposed remedy would result in delayed 'announcements' of Products to the detriment of its members. SHARE Europe was only one of many interested parties to make their views known to EEC, and the issue was eventually settled 'out of court' by IBM agreeing, amongst other things, to make relevant interface information available much earlier.

The following extract from a letter of thanks (Aug. 1984) to the then SHARE Europe President, Hagen Hultzsch, from Mr. Cassani, President IBM Europe, is of interest: 'I want to thank you for the extraordinary efforts of the SEAS Board in expressing the concerns of users with the extreme measures considered by the European Commission ... which, together with those of IBM and many others, made it possible to reach a settlement which will allow us to continue to meet the important needs of large users of the future.'


Nowhere in this review have I mentioned any individual who may have made a major or special contribution to the Association's undoubted success and growth during its 30 years' existence. Not that there were not officers worthy, perhaps, of special mention, but rather that SHARE Europe has been blessed with a continuum of hard-working and dedicated officers. It is to them, and the support of their managements that the credit must be directed.

One aspect which tends to make the organisation rather special is the mutual understanding and support that has been possible between individuals of such diverse nationalities. Perhaps, a greater benefit than is appreciated.

The Future

In the introduction I said that on looking back one might find that roots had been lost and original purposes served. In the case of SHARE Europe, it is quite apparent that the roots have been well sustained, that the purposes, though the same in principal, have been as ever-changing as the technology itself. In short, there is always one more target to achieve!

There may be changes in the objectives, and certainly as systems become more and more 'open,' new reference points will become essential, and the Manufacturer - User interaction broadened to accommodate this 'openness.' There are signs already that changes are coming about as IBM are taking positive steps to increase its business 'collaborators' in both hardware and software regions.

A lot has been, is being, achieved, but for so long as Users demand new computer technology to provide more and more economic and reliable services, and to innovate on the uses of the technology available - there will be a place for User Groups.

International benefit

I could not complete any history of SHARE Europe without referring to what, I think, could prove to be the most productive benefit of all. A benefit which is hard to quantify, but to which I can relate to quite specifically in personal terms.

I refer to the international goodwill and respect which arises from the frank discussions between people of so many different nationalities in pursuit of a common interest. If the experiences within SHARE Europe over these past 30 years are a pointer, the closer cooperation within the European Community should lead to harmony and progress!


In writing this history, I am pleased to record the considerable help provided by IBM/SHARE early records, and the assistance given by being able to extract from some earlier recollections of Dr. Christian Aarts, a Secretary and Past President of the Association, and its first Administrative Director.

Thanks are also due to President, Barry Landy, and Past Presidents Jens Lynge and Iain Stinson, for their valued comments and suggestions, and to Klaus Daube, SHARE Europe Editor and to Headquarters for their work in its final production.

I am sure there are many references which I have overlooked, and knowing the enthusiasm of all who work and have worked for the Association over the past 30 years, I hope they will accept my apologies for such omissions.

Harry Hurst, President 1970 - 1971.
SEAS / SHARE Liaison 1975 - 1980.
Publicity Officer 1981 - 1990.
Historian / Archivist 1991 - 1992.

Harry passed away on 1994-12-30.

[Navigate on this page] Meeting places

Harry summarises above:
Prior 1966 two meetings yearly
1968-1970 only one meeting yearly
1971 ... Spring Technical Meeting and Winter Project Meeting in addition to an annual conference (autumn)?
From 1982 on Spring and Autumn conferences only

Entries in this table added to Harry's history are indicated in row "Source" - these need to be verified. References to early conferences found on the web are located in column "Reference".

In the library of the ETH in Zürich you find many conference proceedings (don't stop at the first answer page!)

      Source Reference KLD
Anniversary Meeting 1959 Paris, France      
Anniversary Meeting 1960 Stockholm, Sweden      
Anniversary Meeting (first official) 1961 Geneva, Switzerland      
Anniversary Meeting 1962 The Hague, The Netherlands      
Anniversary Meeting 1963 Bologna, Italy      
Spring Technical Meeting 1964 Grenoble, France Bill Olle    
Anniversary Meeting 1967 Copenhagen, Denkmark      
Anniversary Meeting 1968 Scheveningen, The Nederlands      
Anniversary Meeting 1969 Grenoble, France      
Winter Project Meeting 1970 Antwerp, Belgium Barry/Bill    
Anniversary Meeting 1970 München, Germany      
Spring Technical Meeting 1971 Menton, Great Britain   see Note 1  
Anniversary Meeting 1971 Pisa, Italy   A. van Dam  
Spring Technical Meeting 1972 Nijmegen, The Netherlands      
Anniversary Meeting 1972 Gøteborg, Sweden      
Winter Project Meeting 1972 Lyngby, Denmark (which month?) Bill Olle    
Spring Technical Meeting 1973 Rimini, Italy   Karl Soop  
Anniversary Meeting 1973 Leuven, Belgium      
Winter Project Meeting 1974 Amsterdam, The Netherlands      
Spring Technical Meeting 1974 St. Andrews, Great Britain
Theme: Data Base Systems
Anniversary Meeting 1974 Zürich, Switzerland      
Winter Project Meeting 1975, jan Jülich, Germany   Note 1  
Spring Technical Meeting 1975 Aalborg, Denmark
Theme: Programming Techniques
Anniversary Meeting 1975 Dublin, Ireland      
Winter Project Meeting 1976, jan London   Note 1  
Spring Technical Meeting 1976 Montpellier, France
Theme: Cost Effective Computing
  Bibliothèque du LIRMM  
Anniversary Meeting 1976 Berlin, Germany   Indicate German text Computerwoche  
Winter Project Meeting 1977 Lyngby, Denmark   J. P. Fitch  
Spring Technical Meeting 1977 Baden, Austria
Distributed Computing
  Indicate German text Computerwoche  
Anniversary Meeting 1977 Cambridge, Great Britain      
Winter Project Meeting 1978, jan Amsterdam, The Netherlands   Note 1  
Spring Technical Meeting 1978 Bern, Switzerland
Theme: Performance of Comuter Installations
Anniversary Meeting 1978 Stresa, Italy      
Winter Project Meeting 1979 Brighton, Great Britain   Indicate German text Computerwoche  
Spring Technical Meeting 1979 Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Theme: Graphical Presentation of Data
  A. van Dam  
Anniversary Meeting 1979 Hamburg, Germany   Indicate German text Computerwoche  
Spring Technical Meeting 1980 Durham, Great Britain
Theme: Mixing but not Matching
Anniversary Meeting 1980 Beito, Norway   Indicate German text Computerwoche  
Winter Project Meeting 1980 Antwerp, Belgium jan 1980 ?    
Spring Technical Meeting 1981 Bari, Italy
Theme: Complexity of Multiple Computer Installations
Anniversary Meeting (20 years) 1981 Nice, France      
Spring Technical Meeting 1982 Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
Theme: Computing and Data Presentation
Anniversary Meeting 1982 Stenungssund, Sweden     -
Spring Meeting 1983 Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
Theme: Organizing Computing Services
Anniversary Meeting 1983 Oxford, Great Britain
Theme: Office Automation
Spring Meeting 1984 Knokke, Belgium
Theme: Processing Statistical Information
  Indicate German text Computerwoche 4
Anniversary Meeting 1984 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, GermanyTehme: Distributed Intelligence     -
Spring Meeting 1985 Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Theme: Information Centre
Anniversary Meeting 1985 Zürich, Switzerland
Theme: User Friendly Computing
Spring Meeting 1986 Heidelberg, Germany
Theme: Expert Systems
Anniversary Meeting (25 years) 1986 St.Helier, Jersey
Theme: Public telecommunictions Networks
Spring Meeting 1987 Montpellier, France
Theme: Systems Architecture
Anniversary Meeting 1987 Edinburgh, Great Britain
Theme: Software Engineering
Spring Meeting 1988 Davos, Switzerland
Theme: The Workstation Driven Data Centre
Anniversary Meeting 1988 Aalborg, Denmark
Theme: Tecnical Support for the Mid-1990's
Spring Meeting 1989 Wien, Austria     13
Anniversary Meeting 1989 Amsterdam, The Netherlands     14
Spring Meeting 1990 Berlin, Germany     15
Anniversary Meeting 1990 Paris, France     16
Spring Meeting 1991 Lausanne, Switzerland     17
Anniversary Meeting (30 years) 1991 Amsterdam, The Netherlands     18
Spring Meeting 1992 Cannes, France     19
Anniversary Meeting 1992 Davos, Switzerland     20
Spring Meeting 1993 Hamburg, Germany     21
Anniversary Meeting 1993 The Hague, Netherlands     22
Spring Meeting 1994 La Hulpe, Belgium     23
Anniversary Meeting 1994 Vienna, Austria     24

The last meeting of 1994 was jointly held with G.U.I.D.E. At this meeting it was decided to dissolve both SHARE Europe and G.U.I.D.E. and establish the new European IBM users group GSE (Guide Share Europe). Unfortunately the spirit of SHARE Europe was burried with this organisation.

Notes to the table of conference places

E-mail from David Muxworthy dated 2009-01-07 to Klaus Daube:

Gren Morgan has pointed out your list of SEAS meetings. I was active in SEAS from 1970 to 1978 and can add one or two trivial details.
The Winter Project meetings were typically held in January but I am afraid I have no record as to whether the Lyngby meeting was in 1972 or 1973.
There was a Winter Project meeting in Jülich, Germany on 13-17 January 1975; one in London on 12-16 January 1976 and one in Amsterdam (Hotel Marriott) on 16-20 January 1978.
"Menton, Great Britain" for the 1971 STM looks a bit odd.
PS If it matters, I was once in SHARE HQ offices in Chicago and they seemed to have a complete set of SEAS newsletters.

[Navigate on this page] Presidents of SHARE Europe

The pictures were taken during the term of the persons if not indicated otherwise. The indicated country refers to the time of the term as president.

1961 - 1962 P Svenonius Mr. P. Svenonius, Sweden
1962 - 1963 Dr. T.W. Olle, the Netherlands
1964 - 1965   Dr. G. Miedel, Germany
1966 - 1967 Prof. Dr.A. Chiarini, University of Bologna, Italy
1967 - 1969 Mr. H.J. Helms, Denmark
1969 - 1971 Harry Hurst

Mr. Harry Hurst, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Great Britain


1971 - 1972   Prof. Dr.G. Torrigiani, Italy
1972 - 1976 CJM Aarts Dr. C.J.M. Aarts, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1977 - 1978 Mr. R.C.F. McLatchie, AERE Harwell, Great Britain
1979 - 1980

Prof. Dr.Kurt Bauknecht, University of Zürich, Switzerland


1981 - 1982 Small picture of Jens Lynge Mr. Jens Lynge, Copenhagen Handelsbank, Denmark
1983 - 1984 Dr. Hagen E.T. Hultzsch, EDS GmbH, Germany
1985 - 1986 Photo of Mertens with hair as the Beatles Dr. Burkhard Mertens, KFA-ZAM, Germany
1987 - 1988 Small picture of Sverre Jarp Mr. Sverre Jarp, CERN, Switzerland
1989 - 1991 [Picture] Mr. Iain Stinson, University of Liverpool, Great Britain
1991 - 1992 small picture of Barry Landy Mr. Barry Landy, University of Cambridge, Great Britain
1993 - 1994 small picture of Dietmar Erwin

Mr. Dietmar Erwin, KFA Jülich, Germany



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